The manuscript titled "Adaptive Quantized Iterative Learning Control
Using Encoding--Decoding Strategy" has been accepted for publication in
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics as a regular paper.
[20241212] Congratulations. Prof. Shen has been selected as an Associate Editor for the top journal ISA Transactions starting from 2025.01.
[20241207] The manuscript titled "Iterative Learning Control for Pareto Optimal Tracking in Incompatible Multisensor Systems" has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics as a regular paper. [20241110]
The manuscript titled "Encoding-Decoding-Based Quantized Learning
Control Using Spherical Polar Coordinates" has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics as a regular paper.
[20241029] The manuscript
titled "Finite and Fixed-Time Learning Control for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems" has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems as a regular paper. [20241029]
The manuscript titled "Accelerating Iterative Learning Control Using
Fractional-Proportional-type Update Rule" has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a technical note.
[20241023] The manuscript titled "Continuous Discrete Optimal Transportation Particle Filter" has been accepted for publication in The Asian Journal of Mathematics. This work was led by Assit. Prof. Xiuqiong Chen.
[20241018] Prof. Wai-Ki
Ching from Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong
deliver a speed with title "On Adaptive Online Mean-Variance Portfolio
Selection Problems".
[20241016] Prof. Rajiv
Ranjan from School of Computing of Newcastle University, United
Kingdom, deliver a speech on "Data and Resource Management Challenges
for Digital Twins".
The manuscript titled "A Uniform Framework of Yau-Yau Algorithm Based
on Deep Learning with the Capability of Overcoming the Curse of
Dimensionality" has been accepted for publication in the top journal IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper. This work was led by Assit. Prof. Xiuqiong Chen.
The manuscript titled "Synthesis of Safety and Ride Comfort Control for
Chassis of Maglev Trains" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. This work was led by Prof. You.
The manuscript titled "Decentralized Learning Control for High-Speed
Trains With Unknown Time-Varying Speed Delays" has been accepted for
publication in Applied Mathematical Modelling.
The manuscript titled "Multi-View Data Clustering via Dynamical
Optimization of Consensus Laplacian Matrix" has been accepted for
publication in East Asian
Journal on Applied Mathematics.
The manuscript titled "Co-regularized Optimal High-Order Graph
Embedding for Multi-View Clustering" has been accepted for publication
in top journal Pattern
Recognition. [20240805]
The manuscript titled "An Accelerated Adaptive Gain Design in
Stochastic Learning Control" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions
on Cybernetics.
Congratulations! The manuscript "Fast iterative learning control
algorithms based on heavy ball with adaptive stepsize", which was
accpeted by CCC2024, won 2024 SCIS-CCC The
Honorable Mention of Poster Paper Award.
The manuscript titled "Zero-Error Tracking Control of Quantized
Iterative Learning for Differential Inclusion Systems with Channel
Fading" has been accepted for publication in Nonlinear Dynamics.
This work was led by Prof. Jinrong Wang.
Our faculty member Jiang Hao has
been promoted to be a Full Professor.
[20240716] Congratulations!
Our paper "Data-driven learning control algorithms meeting unachievable
tracking problems", authored by Zeyi Zhang, Hao Jiang, Dong Shen, and
Samer S. Saab, has been indexed as a Highly Cited Paper
in Web of Science. [20240629]
The manuscript "A Uniform Framework of Yau-Yau Algorithm Based on Deep
Learning with the Capability of Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control. This work was led by Assistant Prof.
Xiuqiong Chen.
The paper "Observer-based sampled-data event-triggered tracking for
nonlinear multi-agent systems with semi-Markovian switching topologies"
has been accepted for publication in Information
Sciences. This work was led by Prof. Wang.
Congratulations! Our paper "Iteration number bound for adaptive
learning control of nonlinear systems under specified approximation
error" with Dunsheng Huang as the first author has won the Best Poster Paper
Award of the 2024 IEEE 13th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems
Congratulations! Our paper "Accelerated learning control for
point-to-point tracking systems", authored by Hao Jiang, Dong Shen,
Shunhao Huang, and Xinghuo Yu, has been indexed as a Highly Cited Paper
in Web of Science.
Zihan Li has won the Wu Yuzhang
Scholarship Finalist Award.
[20240507] The manuscript
"Novel Quantized Iterative Learning Control Based on Spherical Polar
Coordinates" has been accepted for publication in International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
[20240419] The paper
"scTPC: a novel semi-supervised deep clustering model for scRNA-seq
data" has been accepted for publication in Bioinformatics.
[20240417] The paper
"scEWE: High-order Element-wise Weighted Ensemble Clustering for
heterogeneity analysis of single cell RNA-sequencing data" has been
accepted for publication in Briefings in
Bioinformatics. This work was led by Assoc. Prof. Hao Jiang.
[20240415] The manuscript
"Time-varying Feedback Particle Filter" has been accepted for
publication in Automatica.
This work was led by Assistant Prof. Xiuqiong Chen.
Our paper Practical
learning-tracking framework under unknown nonrepetitive channel
randomness won The 17th Beijing
Youth Outstanding Scientific and Technological Paper Award.
The manuscript "Iterative Learning based Convergence Analysis for
Nonlinear Impulsive Differential Inclusion Systems with Randomly
Varying Trial Lengths" has been accepted for publication in International
Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. This work was
led by Prof. Wang.
The manuscript "Data-Driven Distributed Learning Control for High-Speed
Trains Considering Quantization Effects and Measurement Bias" has been
accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions
on Vehicular Technology. This work was led by Prof. Deqing Huang.
The manuscript "A Multistage Update Rule Framework for Iterative
Learning Control Systems" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions
on Automation Science and Engineering. This work was
collaborated with Prof. Yu.
The manuscript "Iterative Learning Control for Differential Inclusion
Systems with Random Fading Channels by Varying Average Technique" has
been accepted for publication in Chaos.
This work was led by Prof. Wang.
[20240103] The DAI Lab
Annual Report for 2023 has been released.
[20240101] We, DAI Lab,
wish you Happy 2024.
News 2023
The paper titled "Quantized Iterative Learning Control for Impulsive
Differential Inclusion Systems with Data Dropouts" has been accepted
for publication in ISA Transactions. This work was led by Prof. JR Wang.
[20231115] The paper titled "Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm with Averaging and Block Projection" has been accepted for publication in BIT Numerical Mathematics.
[20231102] The paper titled "FedSW: Federated Learning with Adaptive Sample Weights" has been accepted for publication in top journal Information Sciences.
The paper titled "Collaborative Control of a Levitation Module for
Maglev Trains with Physical Contact Prevention and User-defined
Convergence Time" has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Systems Science. This work was led by Dr. Zhang.
The paper titled "History Makes Future: Iterative Learning Control for
High-Speed Trains" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.
The paper titled "Filter-Free Parameter Estimation Method for
Continuous-Time Systems" has been accepted for publication in the top
journal IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
The paper titled "A Novel Iterative Learning Control Scheme Based on
Broyden-class Optimization Method" has been accepted for publication in
the journal International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
The paper titled "Iterative Learning Control for Continuous-Time
Multi-Agent Differential Inclusion Systems With Full Learnability" has
been accepted for publication in the top journal Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. This work was led by Prof. Wang and collaborated with Dr. Zhou.
The paper titled "A Unified Model of Data Uncertainty and Data Relation
Uncertainty" has been accepted for publication for publication in top
journal Knowledge-Based Systems. This work was led by Prof. Liao and collaborated with Prof. Lv.
The paper titled "Data-driven Learning Control Algorithms Meeting
Unachievable Tracking Problems" has been accepted for publication in
top journal IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. This work was collaborated with Mr. Zhang, Prof. Jiang, and Prof. Saab.
[20230628] The paper titled
"Robust joint clustering of multi-omics single-cell data via
multi-modal high-order neighborhood Laplacian matrix optimization" has
been accepted for publication in top journal Bioinformatics. This work was led by Prof. Hao Jiang in collaboration with Mr. Senwen Zhan, Prof. Wai-Ki Ching, and Prof. Luonan Chen. [20230330] The paper titled "Learning ability analysis for linear discrete delay systems with iteration-varying trial length" has been accepted for publication in top journal Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. This work was led by Prof. JinRong Wang.
The paper titled "Distributed Learning Control for High-Speed Trains
With Operation Safety Constraints" has been accepted for publication in
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. This work was collaborated with Mr. Gao and Prof. Song.
[20230223] The paper titled "Enhancing Iterative Learning Control With Fractional Power Update Law" has been accepted for publication in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. This work was collaborated with Mr. Li and Prof. Yu.
[20230112] The Annual Report of DAI Lab has been released. Please click here for the PDF file. NEW [20230109]
The manuscript titled "Adaptive Finite-Time Fuzzy Control for Hybrid
Levitation System of Maglev Trains With Active Anti-lock Constraints"
has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Franklin Institute. This work was led by Dr. Zhang.
The manuscript titled "Fixed-time Adaptive Consensus for Stochastic
Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertain Actuator Faults" has been accepted
for publication in ISA Transactions. This work was led by Prof. Wang.
[20230101] We, DAI Lab,
wish you Happy 2023.
[20211117] Prof. Deyuan Meng from Beihang University has been invited to deliver a talk on disagreement behaviors of signed networks.
[20211026] Prof. Dong Shen has been elected an Early Career Advisory Board Member of IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, which has an IF 6.171.
[20211022] Prof. Deqing Huang
from Southwest Jiaotong University has delivered a talk on high-speed
train control using multiple learning methods on invitation.
[20211020] Prof. Yiyang Chen from Suzhou University has been invited to deliver a talk on iterative learning control for industrial applications.
[20211018] Prof. Shen received an certificate of Outstanding Reviewer for Control Theory & Applications (Chinese Version) of 2020.
[20211012] We have been approved two Graduate Education Programs from Renmin University of China on the subject of Distributed Optimization.
[20210913] Welcome our new members to the lab.
Our manuscript "Batch-Based Learning Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems
With Faded Neighborhood Information" has been accepted for publication
in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. This work was done by Mr. Qu, Prof. Yu, and Prof. Shen.
Prof. Xuhui Bu from Henan Polytechnic University has been invited to
present a talk on event-triggered iterative learning control.
We have been approved a Key Project from Beijing Natural Science
Foundation with the topic of "Mathematical Theory of Distributed
Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Financial Risk
[20210818] We have been approved a research fund from National Natural Science Foundation of China with the topic of "Framework and Techniques of Iterative Learning Control Based on System Cognition".
The paper "Noisy Output Based Direct Learning Tracking Control with
Markov Nonuniform Trial Lengths Using Adaptive Gains" has been accepted
for publication in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
[20210810] Prof. Jia Shi from Xiamen University has been invited to deliver a talk on learning control.
[20210716] Prof. Shen won Second Prize in The 12th Teaching Competition for Young Teachers in Beijing Universities.
Prof. Xingmin Chen from Dalian University of Technology has been
invited to deliver a talk on distributed stochastic optimization.
The paper "Iterative learning control for impulsive multi-agent systems
with varying trial lengths" has been accepted for publication in Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control. This work was led by Prof. JinRong Wang.
Prof. Ronghu Chi from Qingdao University of Science and Technology has
been invited to deliver a talk on dynamic linearization technique.
[20210628] Prof. Dazi Li from Beijing University of Chemical Technology has been invited to deliver a talk on reinforcement learning.
Prof. Xuefang Li from Sun Yat-sen University has been invited to
deliver a talk on iterative learning control for nonlinear systems.
Prof. Biqiang Mu from the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been invited to deliver a talk on
system identification.
Congratulations to Ganggui Qu and Niu Huo, who have obtained their
Master Degree in Engineering. Congratulations to Yanze Liu, who has
obtaned his Bachelor Degree in Engineering. [Pic]
Our papge "Learning Tracking Control Over Unknown Fading Channels
Without System Information" has been officially assigned in an issue of
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 2721-2732).
Our paper "Averaging Techniques for Balancing Learning and Tracking
Abilities Over Fading Channels" has been offcially assigned in an issue
of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2636-2651).
[20210529] Our manuscript, titled "A Probabilistically Quantized Learning Control Framework for Networked Linear Systems", has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
Our manuscript, titled "Convergence Analysis for Iterative Learning
Control of Impulsive Linear Discrete Delay Systems", has been accepted
for publication in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. This worked was led by Prof. Jinrong Wang.
[20210407] Prof. Shen has won the First Prize of the 11th Teaching Competition for Young Teachers at RUC.
Our manuscript, titled "Learning Control for Networked Stochastic
Systems With Random Fading Communication", has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems. This work is collaborated with Mr. Ganggui Qu and Assoc. Prof. Qijiang Song.
Our manuscript, titled "An Efficient Algorithm for Collaborative
Learning Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems", has been
accepted for publication in ISA Transactions. This work is collaborated with Mr. Yanze Liu.
Our manuscript, titled "Iterative Learning Control for Output Tracking
of Nonlinear Systems With Unavailable State Information", has been
accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. This work is led by Prof. Xuefang Li and collaborated with Prof. Beichen Ding from Sun Yat-Sen University.
Our manuscript, titled "Iterative Learning Control: Practical
Implementation and Automation", has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. This work is collaborated with Prof. Samer Saab.
The paper "Iterative Learning Tracking for Multi-Sensor Systems: A
Weighted Optimization Approach" has been assigned in an issue of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 1286-1299).
The paper "An Iterative Learning Control Algorithm with Gain Adaptation
for Stochastic Systems" wins Outstanding Research Achievement Award of
Renmin University of China. [PaperLink][NewsCover]
[20210102] The paper "Iterative
Learning Control for Multi-Agent Systems with Impulsive Consensus
Tracking" has
been assigned in an issue of Nonlinear
Analysis: Modelling and Control. [WebLink]
[20210101] Our annual
report for 2020 has been released.
[20210101] We, DAI Lab,
wish all
of you Happy 2021.
News 2020
Dr. Shen was invited to present a Distinguished Lecture, titled
"Iterative Learning Control with Incomplete Information", at 2020 IEEE
9th Data-Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, which was held
in Liuzhou, November 20-22.[Pic1][Pic2]
[20201019] Invited by Prof. Xiao-Dong Li, Dr. Shen presented a talk on "Iterative learning control over random fading channels". [Pic]
[20201018] Dr. Shen was invited to give a talk on "Iterative learning control with incomplete information" at the 35th YAC. [Pic]
Dr. Shen was appointed Head of Department of Information and
Computation Sciences, School of Mathematics, Renmin University of
China. [Pic1][Pic2]
[20201012] Our paper "Iterative Learning Control Using Faded Measurements Without System Information: A Gradient Estimation Approach" has been officially assigned in an issue of International Journal of Systems Science.
[20200925] Our paper "Learning Control over Unknown Fading Channels Based on Iterative Estimation" has been accpeted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
Our paper "A Two-Dimensional Approach to Iterative Learning Control
with Randomly Varying Trial Lengths" has been officially assigned in an
issue of Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (vol. 33, no. 3). [Link]
The paper "Averaging Techniques for Balancing Learning and Tracking Abilities Over Fading Channels" has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a regular paper.
The paper "Iterative Learning Control Using Faded Measurements Without
System Information: A Gradient Estimation Approach" has been accepted
for publication in International Journal of Systems Science.
[20200715] The paper "Iterative Learning Control for Locally Lipschitz Nonlinear Fractional-order Multi-Agent Systems" has been assigned in an issue. Click the link for free download before Sept. 02, 2020.
Our paper "Learning Tracking Control Over Unknown Fading Channels
Without System Information" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. This paper was prepared by Prof. Xinghuo Yu and myself.
Our paper "Encoding-decoding Mechanism-based Finite-level Quantized
Iterative Learning Control with Random Data Dropouts" has been assigned
in an issue of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Our paper "Zero-Error Tracking Control under Unified Quantized
Iterative Learning Framework via Encoding-Decoding Method" has been
accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. This work was completed by Mr. Chao Zhang and myself. [Link]
[20200508] The paper "Multidimensional Gains for Stochastic Approximation" has been assigned in an issue of IEEE Transactions on Neural Netwoks and Learning Systems. [Link]
The paper "Iterative Learning Control for Locally Lipschitz Nonlinear
Fractional-order Multi-agent Systems" has been accepted for publication
in Journal of the Franklin Institute. This manuscript was prepared by Prof. Wang, Ms. Luo, and myself.
[20200405] Our paper, Performance Enhancement of Learning Tracking Systems Over
Fading Channels with Multiplicative and Additive Randomness, has been published in an issue of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Please refer to the official version. [Link] [20200229] Our paper "A New Iterative Learning Control Algorithm with Gain Adaptation for Stochastic Systems" has been published in issue 3 volumn 65 of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
The paper, Iterative Learning Control for Output Tracking of Systems
with Unmeasurable States, prepared by Prof. Xuefang Li and myself, has
been accepted by the 21st IFAC Congress, which will be held in Berlin.
The paper, Glucose Outcomes of a Learning-Type Artificial Pancreas with
an Unannounced Meal in Type 1 Diabetes, has been accepted for
publication in Computer Methods and
Programs in Biomedicine. The work was led by Prof. Youqing Wang
at BUCT.
[20200123] The paper,
Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Differential Inclusion
Systems, has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Robust and
Nonlinear Control. This manuscript was prepared by Prof. Wang,
Dr. Liu, Prof. Feckan, and myselef.
[20200101] Our annual
report for 2019 has been released.
[20200101] CILS wish all
of you Happy 2020.
News 2019
[20191231] The annual report
has been released.
The survey paper "A survey on iterative learning control with randomly
varying trial lengths: Model, synthesis, and convergence analysis" has
been officially published in a volume of Annual Reviews in Control (vol. 48, pp. 89-102).
Invited by Prof. Jinrong Wang from Guizhou University, Prof. Xisheng
Dai, Prof. Deyuan Meng, and Prof. Dong Shen has attended a colloquium. [Pic with master and
doctor candidates of Prof. Wang]
A manuscript titled "Consensus Tracking Problem for Linear Fractional
Multi-Agent Systems with Initial State Error", which was prepared by
Miss Dahui Luo, Prof. Jinrong Wang, and myself, has been accepted for
publication in Nonlinear Analysis:
Modelling and Control.
Invited by Prof. Yuanhua Ni from Nankai University, Dr. Shen presented
a talk on "ILC Universe: where we are and where to go". [Pic]
[20191102] Invited by
Prof. Shuping Ma from Shandong University, Dr. Shen attended the
Workshop on Nonlinear Control and Networked Control, presenting a talk
on "Iterative Learning Control with Randomly Varying Trial Lengths". [Pic]
[20191101] Invited by
Prof. Yan Li from Shandong University, Dr. Shen visited Li's group and
had a discussion. [Pic]
[20191031] The manuscript
Iterative Learning Control for MIMO Nonlinear Systems Performing
Iteration-varying Tasks" has been published
in an official issue (vol. 356, no. 16).
[20191021] A new domain
name is launched: shendong.tech.
The old one shendongacademy.com
is still active.
A manuscript titled "Encoding-decoding Mechanism-based Finite-level
Quantized Iterative Learning Control with Random Data Dropouts", which
was prepared by Miss Niu Huo and myself, has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
[20191017] Our manuscript
learning control for general nonlinear
systems with nonuniform trial lengths, initial state deviation, and
unknown control direction" has been published
officially in an issue (vol. 29, no. 17).
A manuscript titled "A Survey on Iterative Learning Control with
Randomly Varying Trial Lengths: Model, Synthesis, and Convergence
Analysis", which was prepared by Prof. Xuefang Li and myself, has been
accepted for publication in Annual
Reivews in Control.
Congratulations to Chen LIU, Ganggui QU, and Niu HUO for winning 2019 China National
A manuscript titled "Seizure Control by A Learning Type Active
Disturbance Rejection Approach", which was prepared by Prof. Wei Wei,
Xiaofang Wei, Min Zuo, and myself, has been accepted for publication in
IEEE Access.
[20190924] Invited by Prof.
Hongze Xu, Prof. Shen has
delivered a talk at Beijing Jiaotong University with the title "ILC
Universe: wehre we are and where to go".
A manuscript titled "Iterative Learning Tracking for Multi-Sensor
Systems: A Weighted Optimization Approach", which was prepared by Mr.
Chen Liu, Miss Lanjing Wang, Prof. Xinghuo Yu, and myself, has been
accepted for publication in IEEE
Transactions on Cybernetics.
A manuscript titled "Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for MIMO
Nonlinear Systems Performing Iteration-varying Tasks", which was
prepared by Dr. Xuefang Li, the late Prof. Jian-Xin Xu, and myself, has
been accepted for publication in Journal
of the Franklin Institute.
A manuscript titled "Stochastic Iterative Learning Control With Faded
Signals", which was prepared by Mr. Ganggui Qu and myself, has been
accepted for publication in IEEE/CAA
Journal of Automatica Sinica.
[20190802] A lazy pack of
our contributions has been released. Please clike LazyPack for more
The paper "Distributed Neural Networks Based Learning Consensus Control
for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems" has been published in
an issue of RNC (go to Publication Page
for the PDF).
[20190730] The database
for ILC has been updated to 30 July, 2019. Please go to 2019ILC.
A manuscript titled "Adaptive learning control for general nonlinear
systems with nonuniform trial lengths, initial state deviation, and
unknown control direction", which was prepared by Mr. Chen Liu, Prof.
Jinrong Wang, and myself, has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Robust and
Nonlinear Control.
A manuscript titled "A Novel Iterative Learning Control Approach Based
on Steady-state Kalman Filtering", which was prepared by Mr. Tianbo
Zhang, Prof. Hongze Xu, Mr. Chen Liu, and myself, has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Access.
Prof. Shen attend the 2019 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and
Learning Control held in Taizhou, Zhejiang, CN and delivers a speech
titled "Learning Tracking Systems over Fading Channels with
Multiplicative and Additive Randomness".
A manuscript, titled "Variable Gain Feedback PDα-type Iterative
Learning Control for Fractional Nonlinear Systems with Time-delay",
prepared by Prof. Jing Wang, Mr. Chenchen Yu, Prof. YangQuan Chen, and
myself, has been accepted for publication by IEEE Access.
[20190622] A manuscript
has been accepted by IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control
for publication, which was prepared by the late Prof. Jian-Xin Xu and
myself. Title: A New Iterative Learning Control Algorithm with Gain
Adaptation for Stochastic Systems.
Congratulations to Chao Zhang (winner of 2017 China National
Scholarship) and Chun Zeng (winner of 2018 China National Scholarship)
for receiving the Master degree [PicZhang][PicZeng].
[20190603] Our paper "Iterative Learning
Control of Multi-Agent Systems under Communication Noises and
Measurement Range Limitations" has been officially
published in an issue (vol. 50, no. 7) of International Journal of Systems Science.
The paper entitled "Iterative Learning Control for
Fractional-order Multi-agent Systems", which was prepared by Miss Dahui
Luo, Prof. JinRong Wang, Prof. Michal Feckan, and myself, has been
accepted for publication in Journal
of the Franklin Institute.
The paper entitled "Multidimensional Gains for Stochastic
Approximation", which was prepared by Prof. S.S. Saab and myself, has
been accepted for publication in IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
The paper entitled "Performance Enhancement of Learning Tracking
Systems Over Fading Channels with
Multiplicative and Additive Randomness", which was prepared by Mr. G.
Qu and myself, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems.
The paper entitled "Distributed Neural Networks Based Learning
Consensus Control for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems",
which was prepared by Mr. C. Zhang, the late Prof. J.-X. Xu, and
myself, has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Robust and
Nonlinear Control.
The paper entitled "Improving Boundary Level Calculation in Quantized
Iterative Learning Control with Encoding and Decoding Mechanism", which
was prepared by Miss Niu Huo and myself, has been accepted for
publication in IEEE Access.
The paper entitled "Iterative Learning Control of Multi-Agent Systems
under Communication Noises and Measurement Range Limitations", which
was prepared by Mr. Chen Liu, Prof. JinRong Wang, and myself, has been
accepted for publication in International
Journal of Systems Science.
Dr. Shen has given a lecture titled "General Math Principle behind
Various Control Algorithms" to the PhD candidates at CIST of BUCT. [Pic]
The paper entitled "Adaptive Learning Tracking for Robot Manipulators
with Varying Trial Lengths", which was prepared by Miss Chun Zeng,
Prof. JinRong Wang, and myself has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Franklin Institute.
The paper entitled "PD^\alpha-type Distributed Learning Control for
Nonlinear Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems", which was prepared by
Miss Dahui Luo, Prof. JinRong Wang, and myself has been accepted for
publication in Mathematical Methods
in the Applied Sciences.
[20190408] The issued
version of paper "Iterative Learning
Control for Differential Inclusions of Parabolic Type with
Noninstantaneous Impulses" has been available
in Applied Mathematics and Computation. [PDF][WebLink] [20190403] IEEE Access
has launched a new special section titled "Design and Analysis
Techniques in Iterative Learning Control", which is organized by Prof.
Youqing Wang, Prof. Wojciech Paszke, Prof. YangQuan Chen and myself.
Please make contributions. Introduction and submission Link. Impact factor of
IEEE Access is 3.557.
The official version of paper "Adaptive Learning Control for Nonlinear
Systems With Randomly Varying Iteration Lengths" has been available. [PDF][WebLink]
[20190329] Prof. Miao Yu
is invitated to deliver a talk on periodic adaptive control. [Pic]
Prof. Xuhui Bu and me has organized an invited session in the 5th IFAC
Symposium on Telematics Applications (TA 2019) with the submission code
3s96y at https://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl. The
topic is "Iterative Learning Control for Networked Systems". Pls
consider to support us.
Our paper "A Two-Dimensional Approach to Iterative Learning Control
with Randomly Varying Trial Lengths" prepared by Mr. Chen Liu, Prof.
Jinrong Wang, and myself has been accepted in Journal of Systems Science and Complexity.
[20190218] Dr. Shen has
won AJC Outstanding Reviewer of 2018, twelve awardees per year.
[20190207] Our paper
titled "Robust
Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems with Nonparametric Uncertainties
and Non-uniform Trial Lengths" has been published in an issue of
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (vol. 29, no. 5).
[Paper] [20190201]
Our book "Iterative Learning Control with Passive Incomplete
Information: Algorithm Design and Convergence Analysis" is announed in IEEE Control Systems, vol. 39, no.
1, Bookshelf. [PDF][WebLink]
[20190114] Our group has
a warm
discussion with Prof. Wei Wei from Beijing Technology and Business
University and his group. [Pic]
Dr. Shen was invited to give a open class on Hongyi Live Lesson with
title Iterative Learning Control and Its Applications to Various
[20190111] Dr. Shen
attended the founding assembly of IEEE IES Beijing Chapter. [Pic]
[20190101] Our Annual
Report 2018 (lite version)
is completed. Please click to find out our progress. The full edition
is about
28M, please "right-click" and then "save" to your computer.
[20190101] CILS wish all
of you Happy 2019.
Our paper "Iterative Learning Control for Differential Inclusions of
Parabolic Type with Noninstantaneous Impulses" prepared by Dr. Shengda
Liu, Prof. JinRong Wang, Prof. D. O'Regan, and myself has been accepted
for publication in Applied
Mathematics and Computation.
[20181221] Dr. Shen has
delivered a talk at Qingdao University of Science and Technology,
invited by Prof. Ronghu Chi. [Pic]
[20181210] Media
Coverage: Dr. Shen shares his opinion on Intelligent Manufacture.
[20181208] We have a
face-to-face discussion with experts in ILC, Prof. Senping Tian, Prof.
Xiao-Dong Li, and Prof. Xisheng Dai. [Pic]
[20181207] Prof. Xisheng
Dai delivered a talk at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. [Pic]
[20181201] Dr. Shen has
delivered a talk on ILC with randomly varying trial lengths in Xidian
University, invited by Prof. Junmin Li. [Pic]
Congratulations to Mr. Chao Zhang, who has
graduated ahead of schedule and obtained his master degree.
[20181123] Our paper "Convergence Analysis
for Iterative Learning Control of Conformable Fractional Differential
has been included in an official issue of Mathematical Methods in the Applied
Our paper titled "Robust Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems with
Nonparametric Uncertainties and Non-uniform Trial Lengths" prepared by
Prof. J.-X. Xu and myself has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Robust and
Nonlinear Control.
We are honored to invite Prof. JinRong Wang from Guizhou University to
give a seminar titled "Basic Theory of Non-instantaneous Impulsive
Equations". [Pic]
Our paper titled "Iterative Learning Control for Noninstantaneous
Impulsive Fractional Systems with Randomly Varying Trial Lengths" has
been officially arranged in an issue of International Journal of Robust and
Nonlinear Control (vol. 28, no. 18, pp. 6202-6238).
Dr. Dong Shen has delivered a subject report on the Science and
Innovation Expert Forum, which is organized by DeepTech, on Nov 12 with
the title "Iteratie Learning Control in Intelligent Manufacture" [Slides].
Congratulations to Chun Zeng, who has just
won the China National Scholarship.
Our paper titled "Adaptive Learning Tracking for Uncertain Systems with
Partial Structure Information and Varying Trial Lengths" has been
officially publication in an issue of Journal of the Franklin Institute
(vol. 355, no. 15, pp. 7027-7055).
[20180921] Our paper
titled "ILC for Linear Discrete Delay Systems via Discrete Matrix
Delayed Exponential Function Approach" has been accepted for
publication in Journal of Difference
Equation and Applications. This paper was prepared by Chengbin
Liang, Prof. JinRong Wang, and myself.
[20180918] Our paper
titled "Iterative
Learning Control for Noninstantaneous Impulsive Fractional Systems with
Randomly Varying Trial Lengths" has been accepted
for publication in International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. This paper was prepared
by Prof. JinRong Wang, Shengda Liu, Prof. Donal O'Regan, and
myself. [20180907]
Our paper titled "Convergence Analysis for Iterative Learning Control
of Conformable Fractional Differential Equations" has been accepted for
publication in Mathematical Methods
in the Applied Sciences. This paper was prepared by Xiaowen
Wang, JinRong Wang, Yong Zhou, and myself.
[20180906] Our paper
titled "Zero-Error
Convergence of Iterative Learning Control Based on Uniform Quantisation
with Encoding and Decoding Mechanism" has been officially
published in an issue of IET Control
Theory & Applications (vol. 12, no. 14, pp. 1907-1915).
Please click publications.
Our paper titled "A Technical Overview of Recent Progresses on
Stochastic Iterative Learning Control" has been officially published in
an issue of Unmanned Systems
(vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 147-164). Please click the webpage or publications.
[20180815] Our paper titled "Distributed
Learning Consensus for Heterogenous High-Order
Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Output Constraints" has been
officially published in an issue of Automatica.
Please click this link to download the final version, which is
free before Oct. 4, 2018. [20180728] Prof. Shen has
delievered a talk Iterative Learning
Control with Randomly Varying Trial Lengths in Guizhou
University, invited by Prof. JinRong Wang. [Photo]
Our paper titled "Adaptive Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems with
Randomly Varying Iteration Lengths" has been accepted for publication
in IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks and Learning Systems (a top journal). This paper was
prepared by the late Prof. Jian-Xin Xu and myself.
Our paper titled "Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems with
Data Dropouts at Both Measurement and Actuator Sides" has been
officially published in an issue of Asian
Journal of Control (vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1624-1636).
Our paper titled "Adaptive Learning Tracking for Uncertain Systems with
Partial Structure Information and Varying Trial Lengths" has been
accepted for publication in Journal
of the Franklin Institute. This paper was prepared by Miss Chun
Zeng, Prof. JinRong Wang and myself.
Our paper titled "Learning Formation Control for Fractional-Order
Multi-Agent Systems" has been officially published in an issue of Mathematical Methods in the Applied
Sciences (vol. 41, no. 13, pp. 5003-5014). Go to the Publications page to
download the paper. [20180629]
Our paper titled "Distributed Learning Consensus for Heterogenous
Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Output Constraints" has been
accepted for publication in Automatica.
This paper was prepared by the late Prof. Jian-Xin Xu and myself.
Congratulations to Mr. Fanshou Zhang and Miss. Lanjing Wang, who have
got their Master degrees and graduated from BUCT. Wish both of them
have a bright future! [Photo:FZ][Photo:LW]
Our paper titled "A Technical Overview of Recent Progresses on
Stochastic Iterative Learning Control" has been accepted for
publication in Unmanned Systems.
[20180607] We invite Mr.
Jie Yang from BMW (China) to give a talk on "The Safety System of
Vehicle". [Photo]
Asian Journal of Control has published a special issue on "Theoretical
and Practical Challenges in Learning Control". Please go to here to view the papers.
The paper "Data-Driven Learning Control for Stochastic Nonlinear
Systems: Multiple Communication Constraints and Limited Storage" has
been officially published in an issue of IEEE TNNLS (vol. 29, no. 6,
pp. 2429-2440). Please click
here to via the official version or go to the Publications page to
download the paper.
The paper "Learning formation control for fractional‐order multiagent
systems" (Dahui Luo, JinRong Wang, Dong Shen) has been published
online. Click here to view the corrected proof version.
[20180512] Prof. Shen has
delievered a talk Iterative Learning
Control with Passive Incomplete Information: A Illustration on how to
make a research
in Workshop of Iterative Learning Control 2018: Guangzhou, South China
University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, with Prof. Ronghu Chi,
Prof. Xisheng Dai, Prof. Xuhui Bu, Prof. Deyuan Meng. The workshop is
organized by Prof. Senping Tian, Prof. Xiangyang Li, and Prof. Wei Ai.[Photo]
[20180511] Prof. Shen
visit the research group of Prof. Xiao-Dong Li in Sun Yat-Sen
University, Guangzhou, China.[Photo]
Our paper titled "Zero-Error Convergence of Iterative Learning Control
Based on Uniform Quantization with Encoding and Decoding Mechanism" has
been accepted for publication in IET
Control Theory & Applications. This paper was prepared by
Mr. Chao Zhang and myself. Download the early version for free.
[20180508] Our paper
titled "Finite-Level Quantized Iterative Learning Control by
Encoding-Decoding Mechanisms" has been selected as a Best Paper Award Finalist of The
2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference. This
work was prepared by Mr. Chao Zhang and myself.
[20180502] Our paper
titled "Iterative Learning Control with Incomplete Information: A
Survey" has been accepted for publication in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.
Our paper by Mr. Jian Han, Prof. Chiang-Ju Chien and myself has been
published in an issue of Journal of
the Franklin Institute (vol. 355,
no. 8, pp. 3641-3658, 2018). Click the official
link to download the paper for free before June 08, 2018 or go to
the publications page.
Our paper, prepared by Dr. Verma, Prof. Xu, and my self, has been
published in an issue on IEEE
Journal of Oceanic Engineering (vol. 43,
no. 2, pp. 381-390, 2018). Click here
to the official version or go to publications page.
Our paper, prepared by Miss Lanjing Wang, Dr. Xuefang Li, and myself,
has been
officially published in International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear
Systems, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 3073-3091, 2018. Click here to the official version or go to publications page.
[20180331] Our paper,
prepared by Dahui Luo, Prof. Jinrong Wang, and myself, has been
accepted by Mathematical Methods in
the Applied Sciences. Paper title: Learning Formation Control
for Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems.
[20180330] Prof. Shen has
delivered a report Iterative
Learning Control with Various Data Dropout Models: Design and Analysis
Framework in the Workshop of Modeling and Optimization for
Stochastic Systems, Institute of Systems Science, Beijing. [Slides]
[20180320] Our paper
prepaered by Mr. Jian Han, Prof. Chiang-Ju Chien, and myself has been
published online. Please click here to download the early version.
[20180314] Our paper,
prepared by Mr. Jian Han, Prof. Chiang-Ju Chien, and myself, has been
accepted by Journal of the Franklin
Institute. Paper title: Terminal Iterative Learning
Control for Discrete-Time Nonlinear System Based on Neural Networks.
[20180221] Our paper
(with Miss Lanjing Wang and Dr. Xuefang Li) has been published online.
Please click here to see the early view version.
[20180203] Our paper with
Prof. Jinrong Wang and Mr. Zijian Luo has been published online. Please
click here.
Prof. Shen delivered a subject report on Iterative Learning Control
under Unreliable Communication Networks at the Annual Conference of the
College of Information Science and Technology, BUCT. [Picture][NewsLink]
[20180119] Our paper,
prepared by Ms Lanjing Wang, Dr. Xuefang Li, and myself, has been
accepted by the top journal International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Paper title:
Sampled-data Iterative Learning Control for Continuous-time Nonlinear
Systems with Iteration-Varying Lengths.
[20180117] Our program,
supported by Beijing
Science Foundation, titled Design and Analysis of Iterative Learning
Control under Random Packet Losses, has been successfully finished. Our
evaluation level by the panel is Excellent Grade. Under the support, we
published 20 SCI papers and 13 EI papers, including 3 top papers. [20180110]
Our collaborated paper with Prof. Jinrong Wang and Mr. Zijian Luo has
been accepted by Journal of the
Franklin Institute. Paper title:
Iterative Learning Control for Linear Delay Systems with Deterministic
and Random Impulses.
[20180101] Our Annual
Report 2017 is completed. Please click to find out our works.